
Category: Data

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Data, Marketing, Tips

Pregnancy with type1 diabetes & CAP

When a Type 1 diabetic patient enters pregnancy the requirement of insulin increases due to the added demand on insulin for the foetal growth and development. If there is excess calorie consumption along with increased insulin dose, excess fat deposit associated weight gain can induce insulin resistance and complicates things further. As the insulin demand

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Data, Marketing, Tips

Post pregnancy weight gain & CAP

Pregnant women are advised to take more food and gain weight during pregnancy. In the modern world most women enter pregnancy while they are already overweight or obese. During pregnancy physical activity will be reduced, to avoid various pregnancy associated complications. Added food and rest along with pregnancy associated hormonal changes promote excess fat accumulation

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Diabates Checkup and Cell Activation Program

Around 10% of the adult population worldwide suffer from diabetes. Diabetes at least doubles a person’s risk of early death. Average medical expenditures among people with diabetes are about 3 times higher. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, foot ulcers, and damage to the eyes. In cell activation treatment for diabetes

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