
CAP Info Sheet


Outpatient Services

A hospital stay is not needed. Diagnostic tests, health evaluation, treatment, and follow-up can be done as outpatients. Minimum 3-6 outpatient visits are needed. We try to avoid diagnostic procedures which require x-ray and dye or radioactive isotope injections as much as possible to avoid possible toxic exposure to the body. Physical examination, blood tests,  urine tests, and ultrasound scans are needed for the evaluation of health status.

Residential Services

Life Care Centre does not provide residential care. But those who are coming from far-off places and prefer residential stay may consider using nearby residential facilities like hotels, resorts, flats, homestay, lodges, etc for getting close monitoring and support during the initial recovery period. 

Telemedicine Services

Direct consultation, health evaluation, and investigations are mandatory before starting treatment. Our focus is to minimize hospital visits, medications, admissions, and surgical interventions in modern medical care. This will help you save time, money, avoid the inconveniences of repeated hospital visits, admissions, and hospital-acquired infections. This is achieved by incorporating telemedicine services in this clinically supported lifestyle optimization approach. Progress assessment and follow-up are done through telemedicine to a great extent. Those who come from distant places can have a preliminary consultation through telemedicine. 


Patients have to spend around 6-8 hrs at the hospital on Day 1(Starting day), Day 8, and Day 15. 

One responsible family member like husband / wife, father / mother, or adult son / daughter staying with the patient should come with the patient on the starting day. The person should have basic health to do physical activity in a lying/sitting position and be able to take at least a liquid diet. Patients should be willing to follow the instructions on food intake, body care use, and activity patterns. Basically, CAP is a lifestyle optimization protocol closely linked with food, body care, and physical activity. Support of family members especially spouses, siblings, and parents who are staying with the patient is crucial for success. The health benefit of cell activation treatment is from correcting the body composition at the cellular level through lifestyle modulation. Self-care to maintain body composition is important for the continuation of health benefits. 

Children: In the case of children (below the age of 18 years) ideally both or at least one of the parents/guardians should also join CAP. Experiencing the practical aspects of CAP simultaneously by the parents is important to guide and support the child. The parents can morally and practically motivate the child to follow the lifestyle changes associated with food and activity only if they are also willing to follow the same. The causative factors and the corrections needed in lifestyle will often be there in the family and not in the child alone. 

Patients who need personal support: Those who need personal support for activities like joint fixity, memory loss, psychiatric disorders, etc will need another family member staying with the patient also to join for CAP.


Appointment: Confirm appointment with time and date for each phase of CAP by paying advance as specified.

Dress: Make sure you are wearing a comfortable dress for practising body movements like raising legs. Wear a full-length bottom and top. Avoid saree and skirt for ladies and shorts and mundu for men. 

Make sure you can avoid phone calls and other disturbances during training (around 4 hours). A bystander is not allowed during the training time.

Clinical Imaging and Health Status Videography

We take/you are asked to take clinical photographs and videography before and during the course of treatment for assessment of progress as needed and we expect your cooperation. 


Expenses for Clinically Supported Lifestyle Correction will include 1. CAP Charges. 2. Cost of Investigations. The CAP charges will be INR 1,20, 000/- for Indian citizens and US $4500/- for foreign citizens, which include clinical evaluation, lifestyle optimization training, clinical monitoring, progress assessment, and telemedicine support for the initial 90 days. The Cost of Investigations for initial evaluation and periodic progress assessment will be additionally charged.


UPI based digital transactions like BHIM, Gpay, PayTM, etc are the preferred mode of payment as they are free of any bank charges and confirmation is fast and easy. If you are using IMPS or NEFT please make the payments on the previous day itself as it needs more time to get the transfer details and confirmation. Please avoid Credit cards which cost 1.5% extra and debit cards which cost  0.9% extra as bank charges.


PLEASE NOTE: The patient has a very important role in the success of this treatment approach and maintaining the benefits. Please go through the CAP Info Sheet, Brochure, and relevant pages of the Website, YouTube & Facebook videos to understand the approach and how it works in your disease conditions before making the decision of starting treatment.


(Please retain this copy for reference)