Post pregnancy Overweight / Obesity and HIgh Triglyceride (In blood)
The best treatment for Post Pregnancy Overweight / Obesity begins with CAP under medical supervision reverses the factors that created the condition.
This is possible by providing optimised nutrition with necessary calories, improving metabolic rate by maintaining a safe level of activity and avoiding toxic exposure including medications that may promote weight gain which reduces the stress associated with weight reduction. CAP also helps lower Triglyceride levels.Prevention of Post pregnancy Overweight / Obesity by CAP is the best solution. This is possible by CAP when planning for pregnancy or after becoming pregnant. This can also help to optimise health which helps in better health of mother and foetus.
Post Pregnancy Obesity often starts with excess and improper nutrition and activity in pregnancy.
Sometimes this is aided by the recommendation to take “complete rest” in certain conditions.
The challenge of Post Pregnancy Obesity is the feeling of having lost control over lifestyle that has triggered the change. Usually this is accompanied by a change in priorities as well. Most people primarily associate overweight and obesity with a lack of exercise and the feeling that it is a natural part of childbirth.
Breastfeeding has a major role in restricting obesity.
30% of overweight consider themselves normal weight and 70% of obese consider themselves as just overweight.
Very often if not under clinical supervision weight loss can be restricting the optimum nutritional needs. Very few understand that their hunger and fatigue are not satisfied by the nutrient deficient food they were currently consuming and a change in nutrition would be needed to satisfy their real body needs.
Perceptions like the above promote short cut solutions for quick results which often have minimum benefits over time. Soon obesity becomes a chronic and complex condition.
Another challenge is to understand how the individual can use lifestyle optimisation to control further damage, return to a perceived healthy target weight and protect against other lifestyle related diseases and maintain a desired quality of life.
A full understanding of health optimisation has helped many mothers with post Delivery Obesity to reduce weight to desired levels under clinical supervision. This makes weight reduction less stressful, improving on body composition and prevents weight gain later as the person’s attitude changes with the confidence of success. Most importantly the person starts to evaluate healthy options in food and activity like never before.
This helps to protect against associated health conditions high cholesterol, triglycerides diabetes, hypertension, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, certain cancers, etc.
Symptoms of overweight and obesity are often ignored as the solution is thought to be too difficult to attempt again after previous failed attempts. Soon it becomes the area of presenting excuses to oneself and others putting the blame on the circumstances.
- BMI in general: Ideal body weight for a person is to be calculated based on the height, physical activity and age. In general BMI from 18.5 upto 23 is considered normal, from 23 upto 27 is considered overweight, from 27 upto 35 moderate obesity and above 35 morbid obesity.
- Healthy weight gain in the pregnant: Ideal weight gain during pregnancy depends on the weight of the mother while entering pregnancy. If the BMI is below 23, she need around 7-10 kg weight gain. If we can ensure optimal nutrition for mother and baby with optimized nutrient food overweight and obese women can loose a few kg in first trimister and limit the weight gain to around 5 kg or below throughout pregnancy.
- Body composition changes complicate pregnancy: Excess fat accumulated in the body leads to change in the body composition. Excess fat deposition, overweight and obesity during pregnancy leads to many health problems and complications during pregnancy and delivery.
- Elemental composition has to be understood: Human body is composed of around 65% water at molecular level and 65% oxygen, 18.5% carbon, 8.5% hydrogen and 3% nitrogen at elemental level. When fat accumulates body composition changes and percentage of carbon increases, oxygen and water percentage decreases.
- Composition of fat is important: The type of fat accumulated also has a major impact on health problems associated with obesity. If the accumulated fat is in the form of trans fat and omega 6 fat which promote inflammation and chance of inflammatory diseases like gestational diabetes, hypertension, IUGR, preterm labour etc are high.
- Physical burden management: Excess fat and the excess weight burdens the spine and lower limb in pregnancy leading to current and future back pain, heel pain and knee pain.
- Immunity derailment promotes disease: Excess fat deposition and associated inflammation and derailment of immune system leads to autoimmune response leading to insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, gestational diabetes, hypertension etc
In Post Pregnancy Obesity the root cause is often mismatched nutrition in the attempt to provide adequate nutrition for additional demands in pregnancy combined with lack of necessary activity as a result of fatigue and lethargy.
In some cases “complete rest” adds to excess weight gain when not accounted for a calorie reduction in nutrition planning.
Excess calorie intake in the form of carbohydrate, fat and reduced physical activity during pregnancy and after delivery leads to accumulation of fat mainly in and around the abdomen.This leads to overweight and obesity in women and continues lifelong if weight reduction measures are not taken. By nature, women have more fat in their bodies compared to men and this makes women prone for many diseases like autoimmune thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, depression etc. If the accumulated fat is in the form of inflammation inducing omega 6 and trans fat health consequences will be more severe. Calorie controlled optimized nutrient food and gentle physical activity during pregnancy and lactation period can control weight gain associated with pregnancy and save women from complications of pregnancy like gestational diabetes, hypertension, IUGR, preterm labour etc and many chronic diseases in future life.
Excess body fat in the abdominal area is an energy store but has a negative impact on various body organs and systems by acting as an endocrine gland producing hormones that control our food intake, our immune functions and various metabolic activities which can even affect the breast fed infant and leads to many disease conditions.
- Nutritional optimisation in pregnancy: During pregnancy and lactation period women need body building protein, omega 3, 6,and 9 fat, vitamins and minerals to meet the demands of the growth and development of foetus. The extra calories taken during pregnancy should be in the form of these body building proteins and essential fats only.
- Extra nutrition should be not excess of general nutrition: During pregnancy every one encourages the mother to eat more to meet the requirement of the baby. Nutrient deficiency during pregnancy is harmful for the baby, but excess quantity of any nutrient also is equally harmful to the baby including glucose from carbohydrate and triglyceride made from fat and carbohydrates.
- Avoid foods with added flavors, tastemakers, preservatives, colours: Eating more commonly available calorie intense food with added color, preservatives and tastemakers rich in carbohydrates, trans fat and saturated fat during pregnancy not only leads to obesity but exposing the foetus to many toxins at the most vulnerable time of early life.
- Composition of fats is very important: Omega 3, 6 and 9 fats are important for cell structure especially for the nervous system development. If the trans fat in food is more it may be used for the brain cell growth which may compromise the intellectual capacities of the child.
- Prevent excess calorie intake: If excess calories are taken in the form of carbohydrates, saturated fats and trans fat during pregnancy, it will be converted into triglycerides and deposited in the adipose tissues leading to weight gain and obesity.
- Added risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy: Excess fat deposition and weight gain induced insulin resistance makes the mother prone for gestational diabetes and hypertension.
- Excess omega 6 and trans fats: If the deposited fat is in the form of inflammation inducing omega 6 and trans fat chance of developing health issues related to obesity like gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension, preterm labour, intrauterine growth retardation etc are more.
- Risk of deficiency of good fats. If the diet is deficient in omega 3, 6, and 9 fat, saturated fat and trans fat will be used for the growth and development of the placenta and fetus which make the cell wall stiff and exchange of nutrients and metabolic waste difficult and will affect fetal growth and development negatively.
- Hyperpalatable foods to be avoided: Easy availability and addiction to calorie rich taste enhanced hyperpalatable foods which are otherwise deficient in many essential nutrients which increase appetite along with low physical activity and related hormonal changes all contribute to the weight gain of pregnancy.
- Obesity cause and reason for hormonal imbalance: Hormone imbalance either in production or at receptor level can lead to obesity. Insulin, thyroid hormone, steroid hormones, leptin and ghrelin has major role in control of appetite and metabolism. Obesity induces hormone imbalance and in reverse hormonal imbalance promote fat deposition and obesity.
- “Complete Bed Rest”: When this is not associated with appropriate nutrition can not only add up excess weight but can also result in muscle loss which requires extra care.
- Medicines and obesity: Many drugs used as medications for diabetes, especially insulin, insulin pump, oral hypoglycemic agents,etc can induce weight gain and obesity.
- Hypoglycemia fear and obesity: Pregnant diabetic patients on insulin over eat to avoid hypoglycemic attack, which leads to obesity and further deterioration of disease process and blood sugar control.
- Active measures needed to correct overweight: Excess weight gain during pregnancy and postnatal period leads to obesity lasting throughout life if active measures are not taken to regain body shape and figure.
- Long term cause of chronic issues: This leads to many health and aesthetic issues in later life including, hormone imbalance, stretch marks on skin, varicose veins on legs, PCOD, depression, back pain, difficulty in regaining body shape and figure, poor performance and confidence level and menstrual irregularities.
Treatment challenges
The individual’s awareness of health optimisation can change Post Pregnancy Obesity management from a hearsay reaction mode to a clinically supervised lifestyle correction for lasting benefits.
Challenges in medical treatment
In Post Pregnancy Obesity it is to optimise health to achieve desirable weight loss to provide the desired quality of life to handle the stress of infant care along with regular activities and avoid diseases associated with obesity. If health is not optimised while correcting weight the body can revert to its earlier stage because of deficiency or excess in the body’s composition. Regular followup of the body parameters to ensure that the body receives all the needed inputs to achieve the target body composition and weight.
Individuals who realise that they have a problem with weight that needs serious attention are at an advantage as they are able to follow the treatment requirements much better.
The return to health also requires to overcome issues related to “Complete Bed Rest”
(Some medications, insulin during or after pregnancy can have an impact on gaining weight which also needs consideration.)
Treatment objectives
In treating Post Pregnancy Obesity often the real treatment is removing the cause of putting on excessive weight and optimising health. This involves returning the body to its pre-obesity state. This requires a comprehensive intervention as the change begins when the individual understands the need and is confident in the treatment resources provided. Additionally the understanding of how optimising weight helps in the care of both mother and child needs to be known. This will make weight management a key to better health. This is the best response for preventing damage to other organs and tissues and the proper functioning of the immune and endocrine systems as well which contributes to the wellness of the infant as well.
Approach – Root cause
The focus is on addressing the root cause by providing resources to rebuild the body composition, especially in the abdominal area and be able to provide the best of care for the infant and for regular activities as well.
Excess weight gain in pregnancy is closely related to the lifestyle of the mother. Optimization of lifestyle of pregnant mothers with cell activation and controlled weight gain during pregnancy and lactation will help to prevent Post Pregnancy Obesity and related complications.
Excess weight gain during pregnancy is a root cause of complications of pregnancy like gestational diabetes, hypertension, etc.
Optimized nutrient support helps to control weight gain, overcome insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in mother, ensures optimal nutrition for growth and development of the placenta and foetus and thereby achieve optimal birth weight for the baby.
Breastfeeding has a major role in weight management.
In obese pregnant women with low calorie optimized nutrient food, excess stored fat in the body can be used safely to meet the calorie needs of the day while ensuring essential nutrients like protein, fibre, essential fats, vitamins and minerals in optimal proportion for the needs of the mother and the baby.
Body blood flow, lymph flow and metabolic rate are increased with the help of oxyflex a breath regulated, segmental, gentle aerobic, anaerobic and flexibility improving activity protocol which can be done on the bed without straining any part of the body.
Focus – Optimising Health
Optimising health is the foundation for the mother’s optimal health and as a consequence the best of care for the infant.
- In pregnancy cell activation treatment helps in the control of weight gain and calorie intake while ensuring all essential nutrients to mother and baby there by preventing and overcoming complications like gestational diabetes and hypertension etc.
- Cell activation treatment is a clinically supported and monitored lifestyle optimization treatment and ensures a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, breastfeeding and post delivery period.
- Cell activation treatment take care of three major aspect of lifestyle nutrition, physical activity and reducing toxic exposure with the help of optimized nutrient compositions and oxyflex activity protocol.
- Optimal nutrition is ensured with ready to eat optimized nutrient composition food, drink and nutrient based skin care support based on optimized nutrient food, oil and salt. These support products are free from preservatives, colours, taste makers and other additives of no nutritional value.
- Optimized nutrient food with high omega 3 fat and omega 3 to 6 ratio 1:1 ensures optimal growth and development of foetal brain and ensures optimal intellectual development for the baby.
- Oxyflex is a gentle breath regulated segmental physical activity protocol which can be done while lying on the bed suitable in pregnancy even in patients who are advised with bed rest and will improve blood circulation to all parts of the body including the placenta and prevent aberrant blood clots.
- In overweight pregnant women optimized nutrient food will ensure optimal nutrition and weight gain for the foetus, while minimal or no weight gain for the overweight mother.
- Optimal nutrition is ensured with ready to use optimized nutrient composition including food, drink and nutrient based skin care support based on optimized nutrient food, oil and salt.
- These support products are free from preservatives, colours, taste makers and other additives of no nutritional value and this helps protect the developing foetus form toxic overload from food.
- Optimized nutrient food support during breast feeding ensures optimal nutrition for maintaining production and quality of breast milk while helping the mother to lose excess weight.
- Optimized nutrient oil with high content of omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acid based skin care support along with controlled weight gain helps in the prevention of stretch marks of pregnancy.
- Oxyflex activity protocol helps to regain the vaginal integrity and body shape and strength after pregnancy and delivery.
Improved health status reflects in better ability to cope with the increased demands of the infant and regular activities as well.
Total health improvement overcomes the disadvantages of Post Pregnancy Obesity in daily life apart from other serious and silent health challenges that can develop in the future.
The goal of cell activation treatment in pregnancy and lactation is optimization of health of mother and optimal growth and development of the baby: Controlled weight gain and prevention of post pregnancy weight gain is a result of health optimisation. Cell activation treatment focuses on optimal functioning of the body at a cellular level for mother and optimal growth and development for the baby. CAP support while controlling the weight gain during pregnancy and breastfeeding, simultaneously helps to correct elevated blood sugar, elevated insulin, triglyceride etc and many other blood parameters too. Likewise while controlling weight gain and possibly reversing obesity cell activation will help to control and possibly reverse other health issues like obesity, hypertension, arthritis, allergy, asthma, psoriasis, eczema etc too.
- Cell activation in pregnancy prevents unhealthy weight gain: Cell activation protocol is basically a lifestyle optimization program which gives a head start for the baby and helps to maintain your beauty, figure, strength and youthfulness even after delivery and protect you and baby from complications of pregnancy and delivery.
- Minimising pregnancy complications helps in better post delivery health for mother and baby: Optimized nutrient food and oxyflex ensures optimal nutrition and minimizes toxin exposure to the developing foetus and ensures optimal growth and development and prevent complications of pregnancy, birth defects, need for cesarean delivery,and neonatal intensive care for the baby.
- Overcoming diabetes in pregnancy prevents resulting weight gain: Type 2 and gestational diabetes complicating pregnancy patient can stop insulin on day one of CAT and get control of blood sugar without insulin and fear of hypoglycemic attack.
- Health optimisation avoids other associated health conditions to help focus on body health: Optimization of health with CAP helps to recover from other health issues like irritability, depression, hypertension, dyslipidemia, fatty liver, constipation, piles, asthma, allergy, skin disease, etc
- Improves post delivery skin health: Along with controlled weight gain of cell activation approach in pregnancy optimized nutrient skin care nourishes and protect the skin and prevent stretch marks of pregnancy.
- Improves muscle and bone mass and pelvic area health: Optimized nutrient food along with oxyflex stimulation increases muscle and bone mass, strengthens the body, improves flexibility, strengthens the pelvic floor and prepares for safe vaginal delivery and for stronger body health post delivery.
- Health optimisation for post delivery health: This helps regain body shape and youthfulness earlier. Oxyflex practice after delivery help to regain integrity of vagina and sexual health, body shape, strength, youthfulness and prevent back pain.
- Skin care into the future: Optimized nutrient oil based skin care protects and nourishes the skin and prevent stretch marks of pregnancy.
Patient options
The informed patient is the key to treatment success.
- Cell Activation Program (CAP) is normally a 3 month Outpatient Program for Health Optimisation. However depending on individual requirements the duration may be extended depending on the health challenge and the extent of improvements required in body parameters. An initial evaluation visit is essential and follow up visits vary case by case.
- When you notice anyone who is overweight or obese trying to reduce weight please DO NOT make fun of the person if he is not succeeding but do your bit to help him find a better way. Please appreciate that he is able to understand that obesity is a disease that needs treatment.
- If you have the feeling of loss of strength you should have a check up to see if you are having abnormal muscle loss.
- If you have overweight or obesity or you suspect so please get a check up and follow up at the earliest to prevent the progression of the weight gain and other associated damage.
- If you have Generalized Obesity you should be watchful regards symptoms for other lifestyle diseases as well and learn more about how you can optimise your weight to height with confidence.
- If you are suffering from Generalised Obesity and if you want to check out how you can benefit from optimising health with Cell Activation to reduce weight under medical supervision you can call / fix an appointment at Life Care Centre.
In Science Behind you will be able to get an understanding of the approach of Health optimisation by Cell activation for different health conditions and disorders.
Case Study is a compilation of sample patient cases where Health optimization with Cell activation has been beneficial for a wide variety of different health conditions and disorders.
Patient Experience
Post pregnancy weight gain & CAP
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1. I am overweight and having increased hair growth at upper lip and chin and hair loss from the scalp. Will CAP benefit me ?
[34 female]
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2. I am 94 kg. I want to reduce weight. I tried dieting, yoga and zumba dance, I was able to reduce only 4 Kg in 6 months. Will CAT benefit me?
[20 female]
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3. I am obese and diabetic, hypertensive, on medication for both and on statin and aspirin. Will CAP benefit me?
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