
Pregnancy with type1 diabetes & CAP

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Pregnancy with type1 diabetes & CAP

  • فبراير 14, 2020

When a Type 1 diabetic patient enters pregnancy the requirement of insulin increases due to the added demand on insulin for the foetal growth and development. If there is excess calorie consumption along with increased insulin dose, excess fat deposit associated weight gain can induce insulin resistance and complicates things further. As the insulin demand increases during pregnancy, control of blood sugar and avoiding hypoglycemic attacks become more difficult.

Proper planning and optimization of food pattern and physical activity before entering pregnancy will help the type 1 diabetic patient to have a smooth and comfortable pregnancy period. This will help to ensure optimal intrauterine growth and development for the child and avoiding pregnancy complications like congenital anomalies, preterm labour, hypertension etc in pregnancy.

In type 1 diabetic pregnant women, Cell Activation support with low carbohydrate optimized nutrient compositions helps to control blood sugar, reduce the frequency and dose of insulin injection. There are no drugs involved in CAP treatment so there are no side effects or complications. Optimized nutrient food and drink ensures optimal nutrition for mother and baby and optimized nutrient oil based skin care protects the mother from stretch marks of pregnancy.

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